An intro to authentication.

Logging in is often the first feature built by new developers and new projects. The process of identifying users is called "authentication". Your applications might even require more than one way to authenticate! This post walks you through the most popular types of authentication and their common use cases. Authentication…

Refactoring Demo - Counting posts

The first in a series of refactoring examples. Gain insights into how to refactor common everyday scenarios you run into. In this post, we look at avoiding fat models with dozens of scopes.…

Production web apps with Ruby on Rails.

Learning how to program is an accomplishment unto itself and now you are looking to take to the next level and launch your first app. This series is going to look at what it takes to launch a production web app, responsibly. Intro I've been a developer since 2009 and…

Introducing Portunus

Every SaaS application needs encryption. Portunus provides a simple drop in solution for Ruby on Rails applications. Discover more about how Portunus works and learn how to get started.…

The die is cast

My blog is finally launching! I have a backlog from the past 5 years in particular of content to get out there.…