Improving efficiency through checklists

You're on an airplane and happen to look out the window and notice a small problem with your engine. You remain calm and sit back knowing that the pilots just got a bit busier. The first thing they reach for is their trusty checklists†. Every aspect of maintaining and flying…

Cargo Culting, Imitation, and Expertise

Introduction The term cargo cult programming is harmful to programmers as a whole. It discourages learning through imitation even though that is the fastest way to expertise. The term itself even misses the mark and in doing so starts devs down a path of never ending reinvention. I want to…

Introducing the Olympus Framework

I am releasing my app starter framework built on top of the Rails framework. I call it the Olympus business framework. It is intended to be the fastest way to get a SaaS business up and running and can save companies hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars over the…

The cloud myth

What is the cloud? As this decade comes to a close it is clear one of the dominating trends was the cloud. The term has reached well outside the tech world and now everything is cloud computing or marketed as cloud software. But what really is "the cloud"? There is…

Refactoring: Writing code for clarity

What makes good code is a contentious topic. It's hard to say for sure what exactly good code is without putting it into context. Good code for a spacecraft is very different than good code for your side project. One common theme we can pull from both is clarity. It…

Javascript - The early years

In this article we are looking at Javascript from 2000 to 2005. This era was a core era where the backbone of Javascript as we know today was forged. * Dec 2000 - XMLHttpRequest first implementations * September 2002 - Firefox launched * 2002 - Tabbed browsers become common place * Nov 2004 -…

Javascript - Before there was javascript...

there was darkness. Actually no, there was a Flash. Macromedia Flash to be more precise. Okay I understand this timeline is technically wrong and the joke is lame. Javascript was made in 1995 while ActionScript didn't appear until 1998. However if you were building a web app in the early…

Breaking down login models

You've just added Devise to your Gemfile and bundled. Now it's time to make the migration to add a user and in no time at all you end up with a migration that looks like this. create_table :users do |t| t.string :email t.string :firstname t.string :lastname…