Hiring contractors & estimating rates

This isn’t anything but a collection of musings about how to assess pay rate for contractors. Lately I have been working with various styles of contracting arrangements and wanted to collect some random thoughts here. Define contractor? A contractor is someone without an employment contract for your company. In…

Meettrics launches on AppSumo Select

October 27th 2019 at 10:14PM the first commit of Meettrics was made. It recently launched on AppSumo select. It started with my first hypothesis. A well versed developer can compete with much larger and well funded engineering teams while drinking their morning coffee (a few hours a week). Meettrics…

Knowing when to scale?

At some point in a start up journey, the discussion of 'scaling' arises. What does it mean to 'scale'? For a CEO, the moment to begin scaling a tech means an increased capital investment. For a dev it might the moment to get to work so to speak. Choose this…

Making development less expensive

Software development is one of the most expensive endeavors a company can add to their portfolio of capabilities. How do you make sure you are getting the right value from the money invested in your team? Are you really getting what you pay for? I look to explore common problems…

Introducing Meettrics

October 27th, 2019 at 10:14 Amsterdam time the first commit of Meettrics was finalized. Now on June 5th, 2022, 2 years, 7 months and 9 days later it's time to acknowledge a new phase has been entered in the project. We've hit the MVP. Meettrics is the first scheduling…